Monday, October 25, 2010


I have the fondest memories of my cousins. They made me giggle and laugh and were the holder of some pretty funny secrets. So it was with great pleasure that I was asked to capture some sweet smiles and moments for these cousins and siblings. Here are some snapshots of our time together. More to come with your gallery. Enjoy your sneak peek, M Family.

Meet the youngest...
MR. C.
At just 3 months, his deep blue eyes made me swoon!

Meet MISS L.
LOVE her sweet tongue smile! It was beyond cute! Lucky me! I get to photograph more of her at her 6 month milestone next week!

Meet Mr. C.
Cute as can be with a charming little grin. He told me he liked cheese on his cheeseburgers but not pickles or onions or mustard. For some reason that made me giggle.

Meet Mr. B.
Warm brown eyes and Big Brother to Miss L. He also has the power to read minds and rock the camera with his GORGEOUS smile.

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